Electronic components are the basic elements or electronic parts that are packaged  in a discrete form with two or more conn...

Important Electronic Components Used In Different Industries

Important Electronic Components Used In Different Industries

December 2018

8 10 99
Electronic components are the basic elements or electronic parts that are packaged  in a discrete form with two or more connecting leads. These components are intended to be connected together by soldering to a PCB or a printed circuit board. This creates an Electronic Circuit with a specific function such as an amplifier, radio receiver, wireless and more.
While there are hundreds of electronic components, some of the main electronic components are: resistor, IC sockets, capacitor, transistor, resonator parts, diode, operational amplifier, resistor array, logic gate and numerous others.
As one of the leading brand for switches, UNIMAX switches are manufactured to provide protection against any kinds of accidents. These switches are created to be part of the application designed to hold potential hazardous apparatus and machinery. Unimax manufactures a huge variety of switches which are designed for specific purpose.
Intervox is one of the leading brands in speakers. They boast a broad frequency range along with versatility that offers huge outstanding value especially to the equipment in the field of telecommunication, healthcare, security, IT and general instrumentation. The Intervox speakers are fashioned to deliver outstanding quality of sound in even small spaces.
The advanced IC sockets are fashioned as static connectors between the PCBs - Printed Circuit Boards and ICs - integrated circuits. While the advanced IC sockets are manufactured in a variety of ways, the most common way is the dual-in-line (DIL). The dual in line advanced IC sockets have two rows of sockets that are separated and properly aligned by the rectangular thermoplastic insulator. The other types of advanced IC sockets include press-fit IC sockets and right angle mount IC sockets. The IC sockets are used in almost all kinds of applications
A resonator is an electronic component that is used in applications such as radio transmitters or quartz watches to produce oscillations at a very precise frequency. The oscillations in a resonator can be either electromagnetic or mechanical.
Are you looking to add new electronic components to your collection? Do you want to add additional security to your business or home? Contact Resion. They are one of the leading supply-chain solution provider companies in the US.


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